Real Estate
While there are a number of attorneys who promise to do transactional work for clients dealing with a real estate issue, many of them will not handle the matter if a dispute could arise that will end up being tried in court. Lawyer B. Diane Heindel, of Tyler, Texas, will represent individuals in difficult and potentially messy real estate matters that may require litigation to resolve. She will take on the sort of cases where other lawyers may not have the skills or knowledge to provide proper legal representation.
A Knowledgeable And Experienced Real Estate Attorney
Real estate is a complex area of law. Such transactions often pertain to the greatest investments you will ever make. Real estate transactions can involve the transfer of a great deal of money in return for a piece of property. The agreements put together can include terms lasting a number of years and can place conditions on the manner in which property is used. Unfortunately, mistakes may not be noticed until well after a transaction has been conducted, and these mistakes can place everything you own at risk.
B. Diane Heindel‘s understanding of real estate litigation allows for her to represent clients in both commercial and residential real estate matters. She represents clients in landlord-tenant disputes, as well as real estate foreclosure actions. She can handle transactional real estate matters from the time a sale is first contemplated until the closing on the property takes place. Diane can represent you in every proceeding and transaction that deals with real property, including the land and the structures attached to it. She can also prepare for you purchase and sale agreements, and title examinations.
Diane can be involved in the construction, mortgage, zoning and property management aspects of a real estate transaction. Any real estate transaction she handles for you will be accomplished quickly and efficiently. The rates that we charge for our real estate services are extremely reasonable.
Contact Information
To learn more about our real estate services, contact our firm at 903-508-2705 or toll free at 1-800-481-9564.