Prenuptial And Postnuptial Agreements
As marriages have become more complex, so too has been the need for couples to enter into prenuptial and postnuptial agreements. There’s a greater frequency of both spouses earning their own income during the marriage. There are also more individuals marrying who have children from a prior marriage. Finally, couples are entering marriages with significant assets and multiple investment accounts. Determining how assets should be divided or how the children should be cared for are just a couple of issues that need to be addressed.
Attorney B. Diane Heindel, of Tyler, Texas, has the ability to review your personal circumstances and to provide in-depth advice as to how these matters should be approached. As she has tremendous understanding of finances, real estate and property division issues pertaining to family law matters, she can put together a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement that will best meet your needs.
Prenuptial Agreements
A well-written prenuptial agreement can reduce the number of contested issues that may arise following a divorce. A prenuptial agreement may not cover every contingency. However, when advance determinations are made regarding asset division or how children are to be raised following a divorce, expensive and time-consuming litigation can often be avoided.
An added benefit in having a prenuptial agreement in place is that it can help couples understand the expectations and responsibilities of each prior to the marriage. This can sometimes prevent misunderstandings from arising to begin with.
Postnuptial Agreements
In the event a prenuptial agreement was never prepared or did not address certain issues, a postnuptial agreement can still be created. Assets accumulated during a marriage may need to be sheltered from taxation for estate planning purposes. Actions that need to be made concerning a family-run business can also be taken into account in a postnuptial agreement. There are even certain circumstances where a couple does not want to get divorced but wants to put together a postnuptial agreement to make certain property is distributed and used correctly in the event of some occurrence.
Whether creating a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, lawyer B. Diane Heindel can help you. Her tremendous amount of family law experience along with her understanding of property division questions makes her extremely capable of putting together the right sort of agreement.
Contact The Firm
You can contact B. Diane Heindel by calling 903-508-2705 or toll free at 1-800-481-9564 to make an appointment.