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What to do if your landlord comes into your home without notice

On Behalf of | Jun 18, 2024 | Real Estate Disputes |

Having your landlord enter your home without notice can be unsettling and a potential breach of your rights as a tenant. However, you can take certain steps to mitigate this situation and protect yourself from any harm. 

Know your rights

Under Texas law, landlords generally must provide notice before entering a tenant’s home, except in emergencies. Check your lease for any clauses regarding the landlord’s right to entry. Texas law does not specify a notice period, so lease terms are critical.

Document the incident

When you discover that your landlord has entered your home without notice, document everything. Note the date, time, and any details of the incident. If possible, take photos or videos that can serve as evidence. 

Communicate with your landlord

Address the issue with your landlord directly and promptly. A polite but firm conversation can often resolve misunderstandings. Express your concern about the unannounced entry and remind them of the legal requirements and your lease agreement’s terms.

Follow up in writing

After the initial conversation, follow up with an email or letter reiterating your concerns. Summarize the discussion, state your understanding of the legal requirements, and request that they comply with notice requirements in the future. Written communication creates a record that can be useful if the problem persists.

Stand up for Yourself

It is vital for landlords to respect tenant rights, which fosters a positive landlord-tenant relationship and ensures a harmonious living environment. Taking these steps can help protect your privacy and legal rights, creating a safer and more respectful home for everyone involved.


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