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Some things indicate divorce on the horizon

On Behalf of | Oct 14, 2019 | Divorce |

For people in Texas who are considering a divorce, it can be difficult to know what the right decision is. While it may be best to go through with the process, it can also be daunting as divorce brings with it a number of stresses that may otherwise be avoided. It is natural to want to avoid the financial, mental and emotional issues that come with divorce, and those considerations can cloud a person’s judgment. Couples that lack respect for one another, mock each other or don’t want to come home, though, might be better off divorced.

According to a supervising faculty member at Northwestern University’s Marriage & Family Therapy Program, a marriage without respect is in real trouble. Indications that respect is lacking might include one spouse ignoring the wishes of the other person or making big decisions without consulting him or her. This is especially true when the spouse who wasn’t consulted would have disagreed with the decision.

The way spouses speak to and about one another can be a sign of connectedness or a sign of contempt. If one person mocks his or her spouse consistently, either when alone or in front of others, it may indicate irreparable faults in the partnership. Additionally, people who find themselves dreading coming home to their spouses may be better off divorcing. Happy couples want to see and spend time with one another, at least most of the time.

In cases where a couple decides to pursue a divorce, a Texas divorce lawyer might be able to help. An attorney who handles divorce cases might be able to advise a client regarding what to expect during the case and what to do regarding assets and the property division process. A lawyer might draft the petition for divorce to begin the process or the divorce decree for approval by the court at its conclusion.


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