Ending a marriage is an upheaval at any age, but it can be especially difficult for those who are over the age of 50. In fact, divorce is ranked number two on the Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory. Divorce rates are rising for those who are over the age of 50 in Texas and throughout the nation in spite of the fact that they are staying steady or falling for younger people.
Separating from a spouse later in life can result in depression or the onset of symptoms generally associated with depression. Those who have been in abusive relationships may have nightmares or otherwise think about what they endured while married. If a person becomes depressed, he or she may be less active or be more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as spending too much money or overeating.
After a marriage, an individual may be more likely to become isolated from family, friends and other social contacts. This could cause a change in a person’s mental health as well as increase the risk of dying young. A person’s medical condition could deteriorate after a divorce if a former spouse was his or her caregiver. A loss of income or other financial resources after a divorce may also make it harder for an individual to receive necessary medical treatment.
The end of a marriage may have a significant impact on a person’s financial, mental and physical health regardless of that person’s age. It may be a good idea for a person transitioning to single life to include a therapist as part of the divorce team. When an individual is able to stay emotionally sound during settlement talks or during a formal divorce trial, it may be easier to get a favorable settlement in a timely manner.