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Should you seek sole custody of your children?

On Behalf of | Jul 5, 2023 | Child Custody And Support |

Deciding to seek sole custody of your children is one of the most challenging decisions you can face during a Texas divorce. This decision can have significant implications for all parties involved, particularly the children.

In some cases, sole custody can provide a stable environment for your children. In others, it can limit the relationship your children have with the other parent.

Consider your children’s best interests

In Texas, courts base custody decisions on what is in the best interest of the child. If seeking sole custody, you should think about whether this arrangement will best serve your children’s emotional, physical and developmental needs.

You need to think about your children’s relationship with the other parent and whether cutting off or limiting this relationship would benefit your children in the long run.

Assess your capacity to provide

Before seeking sole custody, evaluate your ability to provide for your children’s needs on your own. This includes not only financial capacity but also emotional availability and time. Raising children single-handedly can be demanding and stressful.

It is important to determine whether you can handle this responsibility without negatively impacting your well-being and, by extension, your children’s well-being.

Evaluate the other parent’s behavior and lifestyle

If the other parent has a history of abuse, addiction or any behavior that could harm the children, it might be in their best interest for you to seek sole custody. However, if the other parent is capable and willing to contribute to the children’s upbringing, shared custody could be a better option.

The aim of any custody decision should be to ensure the health, happiness and overall well-being of your children. If you believe that sole custody is the best way to meet this goal, then it might be the right decision in your Texas divorce.


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