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What are your responsibilities as a sole managing conservator?

On Behalf of | Sep 9, 2020 | Child Custody And Support |

With few exceptions, the law holds that children benefit from maintained relationships with both parents following a divorce. If your former spouse has a history of abuse or neglect, however, the court may see fit to name you as your child’s sole managing conservator. 

As the sole managing conservator, you have several rights and responsibilities toward your child. 

Making education choices

According to state law, you have the right as your child’s sole managing conservator to make decisions regarding his or her education. For example, you may choose which school your child will attend and determine whether to allow him or her to participate in school sports. Furthermore, you may discuss your child’s education status and welfare with school officials, and attend school-related activities such as field trips and performances. 

Making health care decisions

When granted sole custody of your child, you may also make choices about his or her health care and give consent for medical and dental treatments. For instance, you may agree to have your child’s physician perform an appendectomy to treat your child’s appendicitis. 

Managing the child’s service and earnings

Should your underage child wish to work in an approved profession, you may decide whether to allow them or not. Included in granting such consent, you may also stipulate when and for how long your child may work. As sole managing conservator, you may also make decisions regarding your child’s work earnings until they reach an age where they can make such choices for themselves. This may include, for example, deciding where to save your child’s money and when and how to let them spend it. 

Receiving child support

The court may order your child’s other parent to pay child support if he or she is not named as a joint conservator. In your role as your child’s sole managing conservator, you may receive those funds on his or her behalf and use them as necessary for your child’s care and benefit. 


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