Texas parents are expected to provide financial support for their children after they go through divorces and separations. This support is generally recorded in a court-determined child support order or a child support agreement that the parents execute and that is accepted by the court. When determining child support, it is usually the financial situation of the parent who will be obligated to pay it that is evaluated for the purposes of setting its amount.
The child support determination process
The parent who will pay child support for the benefit of their kids is known as the obligor. The obligor must report their income to the court so that the state’s guidelines may be applied to their income for a computation of a child support payment amount. For the purposes of child support, income can come from a variety of sources such as wages, pensions, gifts and winnings, and government benefits.
This list is not exhaustive. However, certain expenses and costs may be deducted from an obligor’s income for the purposes of computing child support. These costs may include but are not limited to certain taxes, dues to unions, and health insurance premiums related to their child’s coverage.
Once a parent’s income is determined, the state guidelines will be applied and their monthly child support payment will be calculated. The number of children that a parent supports is a factor in a child support calculation, as are other variables. For example, the age of the children subject to a support order can change the amount of money that the obligor must pay, as can factors such as day care expenses, educational costs, and even the income of the non-paying parent.
When does child support terminate?
Child support is not a lifelong commitment, and certain events can cause a child support order or agreement to end. Often children stop receiving child support when they become adults, but if a child has special needs or suffers from a condition that might prevent them from becoming self-sufficient, parents may be obligated to support them beyond the age of 18. Parents can choose to support their kids through college or however long they wish through child support agreements.
When a obligor falls behind on their child support obligations, a custodial parent may struggle to keep up with the financial burden of caring for their child. They may be able to seek enforcement options with the help of their trusted family law attorney. As with all posts on this blog, this article does not contain any legal guidance or advice. Readers should not rely on its contents for specific help and can choose to work with legal professionals for specific support.