Many people think joint custody is the best possible option for a child custody arrangement. It gives both parents a chance to spend equal time with their kids so they can continue to develop their bond and relationship. People think equal time with both parents is healthiest for the kids, but is this really the case?
Cons of co-parenting
While co-parenting is effective for some parents, it does not work in all cases. There are many reasons why co-parenting could actually be more harmful than helpful to your children.
If you and your ex still have a contentious relationship, co-parenting might not work for you. Co-parenting requires communication and thought, and if you are not willing to have regular conversations with your ex, this could create a hostile environment for your children.
While joint custody encourages parents to spend equal time with their kids to stay connected and grow their relationship, this is not always the case. In some situations, conflict between parents can actually cause their children to drift away from them and damage their relationship.
Additionally, if you or your spouse’s schedule does not allow you to spend the right amount of time with your children, this can also undermine the point of 50/50 or joint custody.
How do you know what works?
There is no general rule for custody and each family’s situation is different. The most straightforward way to determine which custody type is right for your family is to discuss it. You may want to consult a family law professional for an opinion, too. Open communication can help you and your ex come to the best decision for both of you and, more importantly, your children.
It is important to know that you can still foster a meaningful relationship with your children even without equal or joint custody. As long as you make the most of whatever time you decide on, you can still have a great relationship with your children after divorce no matter the circumstances.